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In the Book of the Dead you can find out about the grim histories, dark backgrounds and the twisted battle tactics of all the unholy regiments that make up a Necromancers Army. There are sections on the heavily armoured Revenants, the flesh-hungry Ghouls, archaic Warmachines, and the enslaved Skeletons of warriors long dead. The bibliography of the infamous leaders of the Undead are written, including the giant Revenant King Helikaeth and Mhorgoth the Faceless - the most powerful of all the necromancers. There is a section on the Armies of the Dead, from the terrifying Balefire Catapult, to the cursed blades of the Revenants. Much to the detriment of those who oppose the Necromancers army, the Book of the Dead is constantly being updated as warriors of ages past rise again to join the unholy ranks of the Undead.

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