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Legion of Everblight

The dragon Everblight was thought defeated by the Iosans centuries ago, but one does not so easily stop the immortal scions of the Dragonfather. Everblight has returned from his prison in the Top of the World and unleashes his newly massed legion of blighted beasts upon the world.

Thagrosh Prophet Of Everblight Legion Warlock

Thagrosh Prophet Of Everblight Legion Warlock
10+ in stock
21 Loyalty Points earned.

Absylonia, the Terror of Everblight

Absylonia, the Terror of Everblight
8 in stock
11 Loyalty Points earned.

Proteus Legion Character Heavy Warbeast

Proteus Legion Character Heavy Warbeast
7 in stock
54 Loyalty Points earned.

Afflictor Light Warbeast

Afflictor Light Warbeast
6 in stock
12 Loyalty Points earned.

Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters Unit

Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters Unit
5 in stock
41 Loyalty Points earned.

Saeryn, Omen of Everblight

Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
5 in stock
10 Loyalty Points earned.

Spawning Vessel

Spawning Vessel
4 in stock
29 Loyalty Points earned.

Everblight Swordsmen Abbott & Champion (2)

Everblight Swordsmen Abbott & Champion (2)
4 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Legion Epic Thagrosh the Messiah

Legion Epic Thagrosh the Messiah
4 in stock
37 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Extreme Carnivean

Extreme Carnivean
Only 3 in stock
58 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Blighted Nyss Archers/Swordsmen Unit

Blighted Nyss Archers/Swordsmen Unit
Only 3 in stock
41 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Blackfrost Shard

Blackfrost Shard
Only 3 in stock
22 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Bayal, Hound of Everblight

Bayal, Hound of Everblight
Only 3 in stock
10 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Bethayne and Belphagore

Bethayne and Belphagore
Only 3 in stock
29 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Blight Archer & Ammo Porter

Blight Archer & Ammo Porter
Only 3 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label

Only 3 in stock
29 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Shredders Legion Lesser Warbeasts

Shredders Legion Lesser Warbeasts
Only 2 in stock
12 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Warspear Chieftan Ogrun Attachment

Warspear Chieftan Ogrun Attachment
Only 2 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Carnivean / Ravagore / Scythean Kit

Carnivean / Ravagore / Scythean Kit
Only 2 in stock
29 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Spell Martyrs

Spell Martyrs
Only 2 in stock
11 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Strider Deathstalker

Strider Deathstalker
Only 2 in stock
11 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Bethayne, Pride of Everblight

Bethayne, Pride of Everblight
Only 1 in stock
24 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label
Nephilim Bloodseer

Nephilim Bloodseer
Only 1 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Last Few label

Only 1 in stock
37 Loyalty Points earned.

Beast Mistress

Beast Mistress
Out of stock
Earn 11 Reward Points from this product.

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