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Retribution of Scyrah

The Retribution of Scyrah was an outlawed fringe organization not to long ago of zealous and violent elven fanatics. Their goal, to exterminate the human wizards and sorcerers who they hold responsible for the ills of their species. Things have now changed. No longer forced to hide their affiliations they have begun to organize in to an army capable of open warfare. The Retribution of Scyrah are large enough now to abandon secrecy and to become a recognized religious, political and military power in their own right.

Although their army remains small they have increased their military might a hundredfold with the purchase of myrmidons bought by house Shyeel and the Dawnguard of house Nyarr, who are among Ios' most formidable warriors.

The Iosan soldiers resolve is strengthened by the knowledge that their fight is a fight for the survival of their species.

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