Wayland Games
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WARMACHINE® is a fast-paced and aggressive 30mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms™. The WARMACHINE rulebooks provide greatly expanded rules that cover all the models, including troops and characters, as well as extensive background into the world of the Iron Kingdoms.

Small-Base Wound Markers

Small-Base Wound Markers
10+ in stock
5 Loyalty Points earned.

HORDES Primal Mk III Rulebook - Hardcover

HORDES Primal Mk III Rulebook - Hardcover
10+ in stock
49 Loyalty Points earned.

Medium-Base Wound Markers

Medium-Base Wound Markers
10+ in stock
5 Loyalty Points earned.

Large-Base Wound Markers

Large-Base Wound Markers
10+ in stock
5 Loyalty Points earned.

Resurrection League Reinforcement Kit

Resurrection League Reinforcement Kit
10+ in stock
8 Loyalty Points earned.

Resurrection League Support Kit

Resurrection League Support Kit
10+ in stock
22 Loyalty Points earned.

Convergence of Cyriss Token Set

Convergence of Cyriss Token Set
10+ in stock
12 Loyalty Points earned.

Convergence of Cyriss 2016 MK III Faction Deck

Convergence of Cyriss 2016 MK III Faction Deck
10+ in stock
8 Loyalty Points earned.

Thagrosh Prophet Of Everblight Legion Warlock

Thagrosh Prophet Of Everblight Legion Warlock
10+ in stock
21 Loyalty Points earned.

Storm Forge - Cygnar Cadre

Storm Forge - Cygnar Cadre
10+ in stock
70 Loyalty Points earned.

Fire Tongue Warriors - Southern Kriels Cadre

Fire Tongue Warriors - Southern Kriels Cadre
10 in stock
110 Loyalty Points earned.

Anastasia Di Bray

Anastasia Di Bray
10 in stock
10 Loyalty Points earned.

Revenant Crew Rifleman

Revenant Crew Rifleman
10 in stock
9 Loyalty Points earned.

Annihilators - Khador Cadre

Annihilators - Khador Cadre
9 in stock
90 Loyalty Points earned.

Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr Minion Character Unit

Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr Minion Character Unit
9 in stock
16 Loyalty Points earned.

Sturgis the Corrupted Cryx Epic Warcaster

Sturgis the Corrupted Cryx Epic Warcaster
9 in stock
13 Loyalty Points earned.

Journeyman Warcaster

Journeyman Warcaster
9 in stock
10 Loyalty Points earned.

Mercenaries MK III Token Set

Mercenaries MK III Token Set
9 in stock
12 Loyalty Points earned.

Shard Incarnates - Khymaera Cadre

Shard Incarnates - Khymaera Cadre
8 in stock
96 Loyalty Points earned.

Shadowflame Shard Core Army Starter - Khymaera

Shadowflame Shard Core Army Starter - Khymaera
8 in stock
148 Loyalty Points earned.

Basalisk Drake

Basalisk Drake
8 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Absylonia, the Terror of Everblight

Absylonia, the Terror of Everblight
8 in stock
11 Loyalty Points earned.

Rok Upgrade Kit

Rok Upgrade Kit
8 in stock
9 Loyalty Points earned.

Trollbloods Slag Troll

Trollbloods Slag Troll
8 in stock
16 Loyalty Points earned.


8 in stock
31 Loyalty Points earned.

Goreshade the Cursed

Goreshade the Cursed
8 in stock
19 Loyalty Points earned.

Brute Thrall

Brute Thrall
8 in stock
14 Loyalty Points earned.

Hand of Judgment Protectorate Character Heavy Warjack

Hand of Judgment Protectorate Character Heavy Warjack
8 in stock
49 Loyalty Points earned.


8 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Journeyman Warcaster Variant

Journeyman Warcaster Variant
8 in stock
10 Loyalty Points earned.

Convergence of Cyriss Vector Wreck Markers

Convergence of Cyriss Vector Wreck Markers
8 in stock
15 Loyalty Points earned.

Proteus Legion Character Heavy Warbeast

Proteus Legion Character Heavy Warbeast
7 in stock
54 Loyalty Points earned.

Prime Axiom - Conflux Convergence Colossal

Prime Axiom - Conflux Convergence Colossal
7 in stock
91 Loyalty Points earned.

Our customers sayExcellent
5 stars
4.9 out of 5 based on 43929 reviews.
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